Wednesday, November 10, 2010

karishma kapoor pics3

Karishma kapoor at California Almonds launch pics,Karishma kapoor at California Almonds launch photos,Karishma kapoor at California Almonds launch pics,Karishma kapoor at CaliforniaAlmonds launch photo gallery Read Full StorThe IPL is over and the television viewers seem to be getting back to their soaps. No wonder then that new TV shows are being launched on such a big scale currently. One of the latest shows featuring Bollywood celebrities is 'Hans Baliye'. This is a reality show which features Karisma Kapoor and director David Dhawan as judges. David Dhawan said that he opted in to be a judge on the show as it promised uniqueness and of course the comic aspect. He also added that comedy is something he personally enjoys and watching couples showcasing their humorous side will surely be a treat ... Read Full Story
Add CommentsThey have given comic hits like “Jodi No.1″, “Haseena Maan Jaayegi” and “Biwi No.1″. Now Karisma Kapoor and filmmaker David Dhawan are teaming up after nine years, but this time to judge a new comedy reality show “Hans Baliye”. While Dhawan is known for churning out a series of successful comedies, Karisma has portrayed a number of comic roles in her career. They had last worked together in 2000 in “Chal Mere Bhai”, which also starred Sanjay Dutt and Salman Khan. In their new roles on television, they would judge eight real-life celebrity couples who will vie with each other by cracking jokes and ... Read Full Story
Bollywood’s list of sexy actresses would be definitely incomplete without the mention of dusky bong beauty Bipasha Basu, but never before this had Bips felt that her dusky complexion was in any way a hinderance in her career.Bips was signed for a jewelry brand, but she was swapped at the last minute for Karisma Kapoor. Bips was shocked when she learnt that it was her dusky skin which triggered the brand to replace her in the ad. According to the brand, the diamonds would not quite go that well with her dark complexion and also, her dusky look might not help the brand connect with the target women audience. Also Bipasha’s oomph image would have been an impediment for the families in patronizing the brandNow, Karisma Kapoor, with a fair and glowing skin, has been roped in to model for the brand instead of Bipasha Basu and the buzz doing the rounds is that she has already shot for the endorsement in a posh suburban hotel.However, sources say that Bipasha Basu is very much hurt and disappointed by the whole episode. At the time, when the deal was being clinched with her by the company, they should have taken everything into account and should not have done something so humiliating like this at the last momentAlso what worked for Lolo was the presence of Vasu Bhagnani’s brother Khemchand Bhagnani as a partner in the jewellery company. Khemchand pressed for Lolo as he considered her lucky for himself and his family. Karishma worked in Vasu Bhagnani’s ‘Coolie
karishma kapoor
karishma kapoor
karishma kapoor
karishma kapoor
karishma kapoor
karishma kapoor
karishma kapoor
karishma kapoor

karishma kapoor